Course 3 Your Tajweed Made Easy

Getting Started

Now that you know how to pronounce the letters and read at a steady pace, let's move a step further.

This course will help you study a set of rules that will complete your recitation. The rules of Tajweed will put the finishing touches into your reading. Step by step each rule will be covered, at the same time hiving you lots of examples fir you to completely understand. Enjoy!

How to study

Please read all steps before continuing

Step 1: Select the lesson you want to study from the list below.

Step 2: Click Play on the Mp3 player to listen to the lesson audio.

Step 3: Immediately after clicking Play, click View PDF Workbook.

The PDF workbook is displayed inside the page for desktop users and as a button for mobile and tablet users.
It's as simple as that. We hope you enjoy the course.